You won't find this in LA unfortunately. Off the beaten path not far from the highway 1 in the woods is a restaurant where you can dine on the river. Literally IN the river.
As we stepped down a few stairs we peered on to this trickling stream of a river, and there amongst nature was enough seating for about 45-50. The restaurant was in sight up on the hill.
Some chairs deeper in the river than others, some chairs big enough for two, and some chairs isolated so that you can take a breath.
We weren't quite willing to roll up our pants so we stayed close to the edges. But for a moment the world disappeared. We realized there was nothing fancy, nothing ornate, just simplicity at its best. We wanted nothing more.
While we are in the hustle and bustle of LA we can take a moment and remember that not everyone moves at lightning speed, and that is better to just sit and take it all in.
River Edge
Highway One at Pheneger Creek
Big Sur, CA 93920
(direct) 831.667.2700
(toll free) 800.548.3610
(fax) 831.667.2743
(email) info@bigsurriverinn.com
(web) www.bigsurriverinn.com
Happy Cooking.